October 18, 2024 12:44 am


Swimming is an enjoyable family activity and a fantastic form of physical activity. Nothing compares to having a fun-filled afternoon together while frolicking in the sea.

Read More: swim safety

Sadly, a lot of individuals are unaware of how risky swimming may be if proper planning isn’t done.

Every ten minutes, a drowning death occurs in the United States. Children account for one in five drowning casualties, and five more are treated for injuries sustained from submersion in water for every kid who drowns. Generally, for children ages 5 to 14, drowning ranks as the second most common cause of mortality.

Every year in May, the YMCA recognizes National Water Safety Month. However, now is the ideal time to remind parents of the fundamentals of year-round water safety. A parent is safeguarding their child and preparing them for a safe and happy swimming experience every time they take the time to teach them the fundamentals of water safety.

The Top 10 Family Water Safety Advice Items

A person’s actions in and around the water are all included in water safety. Teach your children these ten fundamental water safety guidelines before you take them to the beach, lakeside, or swimming pool to guarantee a fun and safe time.

1. Never Go Swimming by Yourself

Swimming need to be restricted to times when a lifeguard is on duty. Lifeguards keep an eye on more than just those in the lake, pool, or ocean. In addition, it is their responsibility to monitor the water and alert swimmers to any potential safety issues or dubious circumstances. They are also taught to react fast in case of an emergency.

Use the buddy system when swimming as a smart precaution, both for kids and adults, in addition to swimming with a lifeguard nearby. To ensure that they can watch out for each other in the event that their parents aren’t there in the pool, teach your kids to swim with a buddy or sibling at all times. Swimming with a buddy is not only more enjoyable, but it also guarantees that someone will be available to help in case something goes wrong.

2. Keep an Eye on Kids in the Water

We recognize that parents require downtime as well. However, it’s important to pay attention when your kids are in the water. Generally speaking, a parent ought to always be within arm’s reach of a little child. Whether they’re swimming in a bathtub, lake, ocean, or pool, this regulation applies. Parents of older children should always stay in close proximity to and watch over their children. Even proficient swimmers require supervision since kids frequently attempt perilous dives, flips, and stunts in the water.

The greatest method to be watchful over your kids while they’re swimming is to put your phone aside and just spend time together! You may alternate watching the pool if there are other adults around, giving everyone an equal opportunity to unwind. The greatest approach to avoid an accident is to work together to safeguard your kids.

3. Avoid Breath-Holding Video Games

Children should never hold their breath when swimming since this poses serious dangers for drowning and other injuries. Make sure kids understand that games like “see who can hold their breath the longest underwater” can be risky and shouldn’t be played when doing anything that involves water.

A swimmer is more likely to pass out underwater if they hold their breath for an extended period of time or hyperventilate (breathe deeper or quicker) prior to submersion. Competitive swimmers should teach their kids the right breathing exercises to prevent respiratory issues during sessions or competitions.

4. Always have a life jacket on

When near water, small children or unskilled swimmers should always wear a life jacket authorized by the Coast Guard. Many goods, such water wings, floaties, pool noodles, etc., are available on the market that promise to keep kids afloat, but they cannot replace life preservers or other lifesaving equipment in an actual emergency. Use these goods only while the kid is using them and a parent or other responsible adult is nearby.

Remember that disregarding other water safety precautions should never be justified by the use of a life jacket or other flotation device. It takes more than just life jackets to keep you safe near water.

5. Never Leap Into the Water to Rescue a Companion

A child’s initial impulse could be to jump in and assist a friend who is having trouble staying afloat. But doing so can result in the drowning of both individuals. The “reach, throw, don’t go” method, which entails utilizing a long item to pull a struggling swimmer to safety, is advised by the Y’s Safety Around Water program. Children can assist their buddy without endangering themselves by employing this strategy.

6. First, enter the water foot

Children who leap or plunge headfirst into shallow water run the risk of suffering severe injury. Ensure that your youngster knows the correct technique to access and depart the swimming pool. If they show an interest in leaping and diving, make sure to show them the proper technique and indicate the locations that are safe for them to do so. No matter how deep the water is, do not permit diving in your pool if there isn’t a dedicated diving area.

7. Avoid Contact with Pool Drains

Before your child even starts playing, it’s a good idea to teach them what the pool drain looks like and emphasize the need of staying clear. Children have drowned or suffered severe injuries when their hair, bathing suits, and even limbs become caught in malfunctioning or damaged drains. In pools, teach kids to avoid these locations, especially if there is a drain that doesn’t have a cover on it or seems damaged in any other manner. Report one right away if you encounter one that doesn’t seem to be working appropriately.

8. Remain in Specific Swimming Areas

To keep yourself safe, you must only swim in the permitted zones, whether you’re in a lake, ocean, or pool. Children should learn the purpose of ropes and how to divide a pool with them. Never push a youngster to swim deeper than they are comfortable with, and always abide by the rules set out by the local lifeguards, particularly whether swimming in a lake or the ocean. They are knowledgeable about the water and, in the case of lakes and seas, enough about daily variations to provide informed safety recommendations.

9. Steer clear of alcohol

This guidance mostly pertains to parents and older kids. It becomes increasingly important to have conversations with youngsters regarding alcohol as they grow into adolescence. Alcohol affects balance, coordination, and judgment. It can also cause a person’s body temperature to drop, which impairs their ability to swim. Make sure your real-life teenagers realize the risks involved with combining water play and alcohol consumption. Teens and young adults are frequently portrayed in movies and on television as having a good time while drinking, so set a dangerous example for them to follow.

Parents ought to exercise prudence as well. Never have alcoholic beverages whilst watching your kids in the water. Not only may it divert your attention, but in the event of an emergency, it can prevent you from acting effectively.

10. Acquire CPR knowledge

Although we sincerely hope that your family will abide by these rules and remain safe when swimming, incidents can occur. In the event of an accident involving a swimming pool or drowning, spectators are usually the first to react. It is imperative that parents who are watching over their children know how to do CPR on both adults and children. It may be the difference between life and death to know how to do CPR. Obtain your CPR certification from the American Red Cross, your neighborhood hospital, or other community groups, and make sure it stays current.