March 26, 2025 7:23 am

Dumpster & Trash Enclosure Benefits and Things to Think About Before Building One

You should think about constructing a trash enclosure if you need a permanent dumpster at your location. Dumpsters may be ugly even if they are functional and practical. In addition to drawing unwelcome attention, an uncovered dumpster may be dangerous. Putting an enclosure on the dumpster improves security and gives the garbage can a nicer appearance.

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Continue reading to find out more about the advantages of trash enclosures and things to think about prior to beginning construction.

Why Do You Need a Dumpster Enclosure and What Exactly Is It?

A fence-in space that hides your dumpster from view is called a dumpster enclosure. Only authorized personnel are permitted entry into the area. You may decide who can view and access your garbage in this way.

A business garbage enclosure can be installed for a number of purposes. Take into account the following advantages of having a trash enclosure at your location.

Maintaining a Professional Image

A dumpster in full view isn’t usually a pretty sight because of its size. A trash enclosure offers a polished, attractive appearance. When paper and other debris are removed from the dumpster, the dumpster enclosure prevents them from flying around the parking lot of your establishment and contributes to a cleaner atmosphere for you and your company.

Reduces the Possibility of Animals Getting into the Dumpster

Unprotected dumpsters are easy targets for unwanted invaders like deer, bears, coyotes, and raccoons. Having a dumpster enclosure will help keep stray animals out of your trash. Animals frequently return in greater numbers if left unattended, which may be disastrous for your garbage.

Considerations for Construction of Dumpster Enclosures

Consideration must be given to the design, building, and installation elements for a waste enclosure to be successful.

Dimensions of the Enclosure

It’s critical that your trash enclosure has the right measurements. Make sure the enclosure has adequate space to accommodate the dumpster and that only authorized people may easily enter. Additionally, the container needs to be reachable so that your trash management business can pick it up. Certain localities have requirements regarding the size of construction permits and waste fences. Before placing any material orders, check with the building department in your community.

Style & Content

Think carefully about the size and form of your trash container. A standard garbage cage has a 20-foot clearance above the floor. The standard dimensions are 19 feet deep by 14 feet long. Furthermore, you need the gate to swing out more than ninety degrees and the aperture must be at least fifteen feet wide. The majority of enclosures are positioned between 50 and 100 feet away from the nearest building entrance.

Common building materials for trash enclosures include concrete, aluminum, vinyl, and chain-link fence. Every material has benefits and drawbacks of its own, so pick one that fits your needs and price range.

Installation Requirements

The materials you choose to use for construction will determine how much work goes into making your trash enclosure. In order to secure the enclosure, you’ll also need strong supports, which often call for pouring concrete—such as Redi-Mix. The work required for installing and erecting the enclosure must also be taken into account.

The price of enclosure

The price of the trash enclosure may vary depending on a few things. You may be able to save a significant sum of money if you install the enclosure yourself. The chosen material has an impact on cost as well. Chain-link fence is less expensive than wood, as is vinyl and metal. You might be able to save money if the dumpster is to be placed on an already-existing concrete base. If not, the enclosure will require the pouring of a concrete slab. Another factor to consider is the enclosure’s size.

Safe and Orderly Dumpsters

You may feel easy knowing that your garbage is contained once you’ve placed a dumpster enclosure. Texas Disposal Systems will assist you whether you need a front load dumpster rental to fit within your garbage enclosure or whether your demands necessitate a commercial roll-off dumpster.